We are a super close team dedicated to making a difference! Get to know us.

How To Help

When I see a homeless person on the streets, I often ask myself, “How can I help?”, “What do I have to offer?”

My answer? A Bit of Hope.

Am I my brother’s keeper? Yes! In society, we find it easy to look the other way when we see someone struggling; maybe because it’s an unfamiliar situation, or perhaps it’s because we don’t know what we can offer. I wanted to help, but didn't know exactly where to start. God led me to a group called ‘Hashtag Lunch Bag,’ which was designed to help feed the homeless. Being a part of that group opened my eyes to a world that could use a great deal of help. I found myself wanting to start a non-profit organization to help the less fortunate. There was a need in the homeless community; a void that I needed to fill.

What We Do

What We Give

The Biggest question is always "Where do I start?" Don't worry,  There are many opportunities to lend a helping hand.

It's time to lend a helping hand.

Success takes just a Bit of Hope. 

Learn more about our currently circulating projects and get to know the ones we are working on! 

Who We Are

Who We Help